15 Other Ways to Say “This Shows” in an Essay

In academic writing, it’s crucial to convey ideas clearly and persuasively. One common phrase often used to introduce evidence or support an argument is “this shows.” However, relying too heavily on this phrase can make your writing repetitive and less impactful. To enhance your essays and make your arguments more compelling, it’s helpful to use a variety of synonyms and alternative expressions. This article explores 15 professional alternatives to “this shows,” providing examples of how to use each in an essay. By diversifying your language, you can make your writing more engaging and authoritative.

List of Other Ways to Say “This Shows” in an Essay

  • This Illustrates
  • This Demonstrates
  • This Exemplifies
  • This Indicates
  • This Reflects
  • This Reveals
  • This Highlights
  • This Underscores
  • This Suggests
  • This Confirms
  • This Corroborates
  • This Affirms
  • This Verifies
  • This Supports
  • This Substantiates

1. This Illustrates

"illustrates" can help emphasize a point

In academic writing, using “illustrates” can help emphasize a point more vividly. For instance:

Scenario Example:

Subject: Analysis of Market Trends

Dear Leo,

After reviewing the quarterly sales data, it is clear that the demand for eco-friendly products has significantly increased. This illustrates the growing consumer awareness and preference for sustainable products. Additionally, the rise in sales figures for our eco-line illustrates that our marketing strategies are effectively reaching the target audience.

Best regards, Henry

2. This Demonstrates

Using “demonstrates” adds a layer of evidence-based assertion to your writing.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Impact of Training Programs

Dear Leo,

The recent employee performance reviews indicate a marked improvement in productivity. This demonstrates the effectiveness of our new training programs. Moreover, the decrease in error rates across all departments demonstrates that the training has equipped employees with better skills and knowledge.

Best regards, Henry

3. This Exemplifies

“Exemplifies” can be used to highlight an example that is representative of a broader trend.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Customer Feedback Analysis

Dear Leo,

The feedback from our latest survey is overwhelmingly positive. This exemplifies our commitment to improving customer satisfaction. The high rating for our customer service exemplifies how our recent initiatives have resonated well with our clientele.

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Best regards, Henry

4. This Indicates

“Indicates” is useful for pointing out evidence or signs of something.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Financial Health of the Company

Dear Leo,

The consistent rise in our profit margins over the past year indicates robust financial health. Furthermore, the increased investment in research and development indicates our commitment to innovation and long-term growth.

Best regards, Henry

5. This Reflects

“Reflects” can be used to show how one thing mirrors or corresponds to another.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Employee Engagement Survey

Dear Leo,

The high engagement scores from the recent survey reflect the positive impact of our new employee welfare policies. The low turnover rate in the past six months also reflects improved job satisfaction among our staff.

Best regards, Henry

6. This Reveals

"Reveals" is effective for uncovering underlying truths

“Reveals” is effective for uncovering underlying truths or insights.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Product Performance Analysis

Dear Leo,

Our latest product performance report reveals a significant increase in market share. The steady growth in repeat customers reveals that our product improvements are meeting customer expectations effectively.

Best regards, Henry

7. This Highlights

“Highlights” is suitable for drawing attention to the most important aspects.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Quarterly Marketing Review

Dear Leo,

The recent campaign results highlight the effectiveness of our new social media strategy. The surge in website traffic and online engagement highlights how well our content resonates with our audience.

Best regards, Henry

8. This Underscores

“Underscores” is useful for emphasizing the significance of a point.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Strategic Planning Insights

Dear Leo,

The data from our market analysis underscores the importance of investing in emerging technologies. The competitive edge gained by early adopters underscores the need for us to stay ahead in innovation.

Best regards, Henry

9. This Suggests

“Suggests” can indicate a probable conclusion based on evidence.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Consumer Behavior Study

Dear Leo,

The patterns observed in our recent consumer behavior study suggest a shift toward online shopping preferences. The increased mobile app usage suggests that customers value convenience and accessibility.

Related Article:  25 Synonyms for “Collaborate” on a Resume

Best regards, Henry

10. This Confirms

"Confirms" is strong for asserting

“Confirms” is strong for asserting that evidence supports a specific conclusion.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Project Outcomes Report

Dear Leo,

The successful completion of all project milestones on schedule confirms the efficiency of our project management processes. The positive feedback from stakeholders confirms that our collaborative approach is highly effective.

Best regards, Henry

11. This Corroborates

“Corroborates” is used to confirm or support with evidence.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Research Findings Validation

Dear Leo,

The independent study conducted by the external agency corroborates our internal research findings. The consistent data across both studies corroborates the validity of our initial hypotheses.

Best regards, Henry

12. This Affirms

“Affirms” is suitable for expressing agreement or confirmation.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Policy Impact Assessment

Dear Leo,

The recent improvements in operational efficiency affirm the positive impact of our new policies. The reduced operational costs affirm that our strategic decisions are yielding the desired outcomes.

Best regards, Henry

13. This Verifies

“Verifies” is effective for establishing the truth of a statement.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Quality Control Results

Dear Leo,

The results from our latest quality control checks verify that our products meet the highest standards. The zero defect rate in the last batch verifies the effectiveness of our quality assurance protocols.

Best regards, Henry

14. This Supports

“Supports” is useful for backing up a statement or hypothesis.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Environmental Impact Report

Dear Leo,

The data collected from our sustainability initiatives supports our commitment to reducing carbon emissions. The measurable decrease in our carbon footprint supports the efficacy of our green practices.

Best regards, Henry

15. This Substantiates

This Substantiates

“Substantiates” provide robust support for a claim or argument.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Innovation Strategy Review

Dear Leo,

The rapid market acceptance of our new product line substantiates our innovation strategy. The feedback from industry experts substantiates our approach and positions us as a leader in the market.

Best regards, Henry

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