15 Synonyms for “Just to Clarify” in an Email

In professional communication, clarity is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that all parties are on the same page. When you need to emphasize a point or ensure that your message is understood correctly, using the phrase “just to clarify” can be quite effective. However, varying your language can make your emails more engaging and sophisticated.

This article will explore 15 professional synonyms for “just to clarify” that you can use in your emails. A detailed scenario example will accompany each alternative to demonstrate its appropriate use in a professional context. By incorporating these phrases into your communication toolkit, you can enhance the clarity and professionalism of your emails.

List of Synonyms for “Just to Clarify” in an Email

  • For the sake of clarity
  • To be clear
  • Just to make sure
  • For clarity’s sake
  • To ensure we are on the same page
  • For your understanding
  • Just to be certain
  • To clarify things
  • To remove any ambiguity
  • For better understanding
  • To make it clear
  • To avoid confusion
  • Just to reconfirm
  • To ensure accuracy
  • Just to verify

1. For the sake of clarity

Example Scenario:

Subject: Follow-up on Project Deadline

Hi Leo,

I hope this email finds you well.

For the sake of clarity, I wanted to confirm that the deadline for the project deliverables is still set for August 15th. If there have been any changes, please let me know so we can adjust our timelines accordingly.

Best regards, Henry

2. To be clear

Example Scenario:

Subject: Meeting Agenda Confirmation

Hi Leo,

I trust you are doing well.

To be clear, our meeting tomorrow at 10 AM will focus on the quarterly sales report and the new marketing strategy. If there are any other items you would like to add to the agenda, please let me know.

Best regards, Henry

3. Just to make sure

Example Scenario:

Subject: Invoice Details

Hi Leo,

I hope you are having a good day.

Just to make sure, the total amount on the invoice should include the recent purchase of office supplies as well as the new software license. Can you confirm that these charges are accurate?

Related Article:  20 Other Ways to Say “Please Let Me Know if You Need Anything Else”

Best, Henry

4. For clarity’s sake

Example Scenario:

Subject: Client Meeting Preparation

Hi Leo,

I hope everything is going well on your end.

For clarity’s sake, could you please confirm that the client meeting is scheduled for 3 PM on Thursday and not Friday? I want to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts.

Best regards, Henry

5. To ensure we are on the same page

To ensure we are on the same page

Example Scenario:

Subject: Project Collaboration

Hi Leo,

I hope you are well.

To ensure we are on the same page, can you confirm that we will be using the new project management software starting next Monday? I want to make sure everyone is prepared for the transition.

Thank you, Henry

6. For your understanding

Example Scenario:

Subject: Budget Allocation

Hi Leo,

I hope you had a great weekend.

For your understanding, the budget for the upcoming quarter includes a 10% increase in marketing expenses. Please review the attached document and let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards, Henry

7. Just to be certain

Example Scenario:

Subject: Shipment Details

Hi Leo,

I hope you are doing well.

Just to be certain, the shipment of the new office furniture is expected to arrive by Friday. Can you please confirm the delivery date with the supplier?

Best, Henry

8. To clarify things

Example Scenario:

Subject: Event Planning

Hi Leo,

I hope this message finds you well.

To clarify things, the event will start at 6 PM and end at 9 PM. We will have a keynote speaker, followed by a Q&A session and a networking hour. Please let me know if you need any further details.

Best regards, Henry

9. To remove any ambiguity

Example Scenario:

Subject: Contract Terms

Hi Leo,

I hope you are having a productive day.

To remove any ambiguity, the contract stipulates that the services must be delivered by the end of the fiscal year. If you have any concerns or need adjustments, please let me know as soon as possible.

Related Article:  25 Alternatives to “Hope All Is Well” To Use in Work Emails

Best, Henry

10. For better understanding

Example Scenario:

Subject: Training Session

Hi Leo,

I hope you are well.

For better understanding, the training session on Friday will cover both the new software updates and the compliance guidelines. I have attached the agenda for your reference.

Thank you, Henry

11. To make it clear

Example Scenario:

Subject: Project Requirements

Hi Leo,

I hope you are doing great.

To make it clear, the project requires a comprehensive market analysis, a detailed budget plan, and a risk assessment report. Please let me know if there are any additional requirements.

Best regards, Henry

12. To avoid confusion

Example Scenario:

Subject: Schedule Confirmation

Hi Leo,

I hope your week is going well.

To avoid confusion, the team meeting is scheduled for 2 PM on Wednesday, not Thursday. Please update your calendar accordingly and let me know if you have any conflicts.

Best, Henry

13. Just to reconfirm

 Just to reconfirm

Example Scenario:

Subject: Travel Arrangements

Hi Leo,

I trust you are doing well.

Just to reconfirm, your flight is booked for 10 AM on Monday, and you will be staying at the Downtown Hotel. Please let me know if you need any changes to the itinerary.

Thank you, Henry

14. To ensure accuracy

Example Scenario:

Subject: Report Submission

Hi Leo,

I hope this email finds you well.

To ensure accuracy, the final report should include the updated financial data and the revised projections for the next quarter. Please review the attached document and confirm.

Best regards, Henry

15. Just to verify

 Just to verify

Example Scenario:

Subject: Payment Confirmation

Hi Leo,

I hope you are having a good day.

Just to verify, the payment for the last invoice has been processed and should be reflected in your account within the next three business days. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Best, Henry

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