25 Professional Ways to Say “Are We Still On?”

When confirming meetings, appointments, or scheduled events, finding professional ways to ask if the plan is still in place is crucial in business communication. Asking, “Are we still on?” may sound informal in certain situations. In this article, we will explore 25 professional alternatives to this phrase. Each suggestion includes a complete scenario illustrating how to incorporate them into your emails or conversations.

List of Professional Ways to Say “Are We Still On?”

  • Are We Still On for [Date/Time]?
  • Is our meeting still happening?
  • Just Checking in on Our Scheduled Meeting
  • Will We Be Moving Forward as Planned?
  • Is Our Appointment Still Scheduled for [Date/Time]?
  • Can We Confirm the Meeting Time?
  • Are We Still Good for [Date/Time]?
  • Just wanted to Confirm Our Meeting Time
  • Should I Expect You at Our Meeting?
  • Is Everything Still Good for Our Meeting on [Date/Time]?
  • Please Confirm the Meeting Time
  • Can You Confirm if [Event/Meeting] Is Still On?
  • Are We Proceeding as Scheduled?
  • Are We Still Aligned on the Meeting Time?
  • Are We Still on Track for [Date/Time]?
  • Can I Confirm You’re Available for Our Meeting?
  • Could You Kindly Confirm the Status of Our Meeting?
  • Are We Still Proceeding as Scheduled?
  • Is Our Meeting Still Confirmed for [Date/Time]?
  • Shall We Proceed with Our Plans for [Date/Time]?
  • Can We Move Forward as Planned?
  • Should We Stick to Our Agreed Time?
  • Is Our Scheduled Time Still Convenient?
  • Should We Go Ahead as Planned?
  • Is Our Scheduled Time Still Valid?

1. Can I Confirm That We’re Still Scheduled?

This is a direct yet professional way of confirming a meeting or appointment. It shows that you’re checking in without being too casual.


Subject: Confirmation of Our Meeting Tomorrow

Hi Tomi,

I hope you’re doing well. Can I confirm that we’re still scheduled for our meeting tomorrow at 2 PM? Please let me know if the timing is still convenient for you.

Looking forward to our discussion. Best regards, Jerry


This phrase is suitable for formal business settings where you want to maintain a sense of professionalism and certainty regarding planned meetings.

2. Is Our Meeting Still on Track?

This phrase implies that you are checking if everything is progressing according to the agreed schedule.


Subject: Checking In on Our Meeting

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to check in and ask if our meeting is still on track for Friday at 3 PM. Let me know if anything has changed or if you need to reschedule.

Thanks, Jerry


This is ideal when you’re looking to reaffirm the arrangement while subtly showing that you’re prepared for the meeting.

3. Are We Still Set for [Time/Date]?

A professional way to ask if the agreed meeting time is still in place. It’s polite and to the point.


Subject: Meeting Confirmation

Hi Tomi,

Just confirming, are we still set for our meeting tomorrow at 1 PM? Please let me know if any changes arise on your end.

Best regards, Jerry


This phrase works well in situations where plans were made in advance, and you want to check without sounding overly concerned.

4. Do We Need to Adjust Our Schedule?

This phrase allows the other party to adjust the timing if needed, showing flexibility.


Subject: Potential Scheduling Adjustment

Hi Tomi,

I’m checking in to see if we need to adjust our schedule for tomorrow’s presentation at 4 PM. Please let me know if this time still works for you, or if you’d prefer a different slot.

Best, Jerry


This option is excellent when you want to convey flexibility while still confirming that the original time is suitable.

5. Can You Confirm Our Appointment?

This is a direct yet polite way to ensure that the scheduled appointment is still happening.


Subject: Confirmation of Tomorrow’s Appointment

Hi Tomi,

I hope everything is going well. Can you confirm our appointment for 10 AM tomorrow? If there’s anything you need to adjust, please feel free to let me know.

Thanks, Jerry


This phrase helps establish that you’re respectful of the other person’s time and ensures clarity on both sides.

6. Are We Proceeding as Planned?

This alternative gives the recipient a chance to let you know if there have been any changes.


Subject: Follow-Up on Scheduled Meeting

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to touch base to see if we are proceeding as planned for our meeting on Wednesday at 2 PM. Let me know if the time still works or if we need to make adjustments.

Best, Jerry


This phrase can be used in both formal and semi-formal settings and offers the opportunity for clarification without pressure.

7. Is Our Appointment Still Confirmed?

This is a polished and professional way to check if an upcoming meeting or appointment is still confirmed.

Related Article:  25 Professional Ways to Say “Thank You for Letting Me Know” in an Email


Subject: Checking on Appointment Confirmation

Hi Tomi,

I’m just checking in to see if our appointment is still confirmed for tomorrow at 9 AM. Let me know if everything is good on your end or if you need to reschedule.

Best regards, Jerry


This version is great for more formal business communication where a higher level of professionalism is expected.

8. Shall We Proceed as Discussed?

A polite way of confirming if everything is going ahead as per the previous discussion, showing you remember the details.


Subject: Follow-Up on Friday’s Meeting

Hi Tomi,

I hope you’re doing well. Just checking in to see if we shall proceed as discussed for our meeting on Friday at 3 PM. Let me know if you’re good with the time or if anything needs to be adjusted.

Thanks, Jerry


This phrase works well in both internal and external communications, offering a soft confirmation of pre-arranged plans.

9. Can You Verify if We’re Still On?

This phrase asks for verification, which implies professionalism while still sounding polite and casual.


Subject: Verification of Our Scheduled Call

Hi Tomi,

I’m reaching out to verify if we’re still on for our call tomorrow at 10 AM. Let me know if the timing still works for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Jerry


This phrase keeps things light but professional, perfect for routine meetings or calls where you need a quick confirmation.

10. Are We Good for [Date/Time]?

A more casual yet still professional way to confirm plans.


Subject: Quick Check-In for Tomorrow’s Meeting

Hi Tomi,

Just checking in to see if we’re good for our meeting tomorrow at 11 AM. Let me know if that still works for you.

Best, Jerry


This phrase is better suited for semi-formal settings, especially when you have a comfortable working relationship with the recipient.

11. Is Everything Still on Schedule?

A great option for formal emails, especially when checking the status of ongoing projects.


Subject: Meeting on Project Status

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to check in and see if everything is still on schedule for our meeting on Tuesday to review the project status. Let me know if anything has changed or if there are any updates.

Best regards, Jerry


This phrase works well in project management scenarios where timelines and schedules are essential to maintaining momentum.

12. Are We Moving Forward as Planned?

This is a formal way to inquire if the planned course of action is still in place, suitable for both meetings and projects.


Subject: Follow-Up on Project Meeting

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to follow up to confirm if we’re moving forward as planned for tomorrow’s project meeting at 3 PM. If there’s anything you’d like to change, feel free to let me know.

Thanks, Jerry


This is ideal when you’re seeking to confirm progress and keep communication open about possible adjustments.

13. Shall We Stick to Our Original Schedule?

This phrase invites the recipient to confirm if they are still okay with the original plan or if they’d like to make changes.


Subject: Meeting Confirmation for Tomorrow

Hi Tomi,

Just checking in to see if we shall stick to our original schedule for our meeting tomorrow at 10 AM. Let me know if anything needs to be adjusted on your end.

Looking forward to it, Jerry


This is perfect for when you want to convey flexibility and professionalism while confirming your availability.

14. Can We Confirm Our Plans?

This phrase is direct but still polite, perfect for confirming meetings in a formal environment.


Subject: Confirmation of Our Plans for Next Week

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to follow up and confirm our plans for next week’s strategy session on Monday at 2 PM. Please let me know if everything is still on track or if any changes are needed.

Best regards, Jerry


This works well when dealing with scheduled events, particularly if the meeting involves multiple participants and logistics.

15. Are We Still Aligned for [Date/Time]?

This is a more polished way of asking if the timing is still good, implying a sense of teamwork or collaboration.


Subject: Checking in on Our Scheduled Call

Hi Tomi,

Just checking in to see if we’re still aligned for our scheduled call tomorrow at 1 PM. Please let me know if everything is still set, or if any changes are needed.

Best regards, Jerry


This phrase conveys collaboration and is useful when the meeting involves multiple participants or key stakeholders.

16. Are We Still on Track for [Date/Time]?

This is an ideal way to confirm the status of a scheduled event without sounding too informal.


Subject: Confirmation of Tomorrow’s Presentation

Hi Tomi,

Just following up to see if we’re still on track for the presentation tomorrow at 11 AM. If anything has changed or if you need additional materials, please let me know.

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Thanks, Jerry


Perfect for formal business environments, this phrase is especially useful when confirming larger events such as presentations or deadlines.

17. Can You Confirm the Status of Our Meeting?

This is a direct yet polite way to ask for an update or confirmation.


Subject: Status Confirmation for Our Meeting

Hi Tomi,

I hope you’re doing well. Could you kindly confirm the status of our meeting tomorrow at 10 AM? Let me know if the timing is still good or if we need to reschedule.

Thanks in advance, Jerry


This phrase is a bit more formal, making it ideal for corporate or client-facing situations.

18. Are We Still Proceeding as Scheduled?

This option works well when confirming if all parts of the plan are still in place.


Subject: Meeting on Thursday

Hi Tomi,

Just touching base to see if we are still proceeding as scheduled for Thursday’s meeting at 2 PM. If there are any updates or changes, please let me know.

Looking forward to it, Jerry


This phrase helps reinforce the notion that you’re well-organized and on top of the schedule.

19. Is Our Meeting Still Confirmed for [Date/Time]?

This is a formal but polite way to ask for confirmation of a meeting time.


Subject: Meeting Confirmation

Hi Tomi,

Just checking in to see if our meeting is still confirmed for Friday at 3 PM. Let me know if any adjustments need to be made.

Best regards, Jerry


This works well when you want to reconfirm plans that have been set far in advance, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

20. Shall We Proceed with Our Plans for [Date/Time]?

A polite and professional way to confirm without being too direct.


Subject: Confirmation of Plans

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to follow up and see if we shall proceed with our plans for Thursday’s meeting at 1 PM. Let me know if everything is still good, or if any changes are required.

Best, Jerry


This phrase conveys politeness and flexibility, allowing the recipient to suggest changes if necessary.

21. Can We Move Forward as Planned?

This is a polite way to ask if the meeting is still going ahead as planned.


Subject: Confirmation of Strategy Session

Hi Tomi,

Just following up to see if we can move forward as planned for our strategy session on Tuesday at 11 AM. Let me know if the time still works for you or if you need to make any adjustments.

Best regards, Jerry


This option is perfect for formal business meetings or discussions involving project plans or strategies.

22. Should We Stick to Our Agreed Time?

This phrase offers the recipient a chance to confirm the timing or suggest a change.


Subject: Time Confirmation for Tomorrow

Hi Tomi,

I hope you’re well. Just checking in to see if we should stick to our agreed time of 2 PM tomorrow for the meeting. Please let me know if that still works for you.

Thanks, Jerry


This phrase is ideal when confirming appointments or meetings that were arranged a while ago and may need to be rescheduled.

23. Is Our Scheduled Time Still Convenient?

A more formal way of asking if the meeting is still convenient for the recipient.


Subject: Checking in on Meeting Time

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to check if our scheduled time is still convenient for you tomorrow at 10 AM. Let me know if any changes are needed.

Best, Jerry


This phrase is well-suited for client-facing or external meetings, showing consideration for the recipient’s schedule.

24. Should We Go Ahead as Planned?

A professional yet slightly more casual way of confirming the arrangement.


Subject: Follow-Up on Thursday’s Meeting

Hi Tomi,

I hope you’re doing well. Should we go ahead as planned for Thursday’s meeting at 4 PM? Let me know if you’d like to make any changes or are good with the original time.

Thanks, Jerry


This phrase works well in internal communications or when you have an established relationship with the recipient.

25. Is Our Scheduled Time Still Valid?

This is a formal and direct way of confirming that the original schedule is still valid.


Subject: Meeting Confirmation for Wednesday

Hi Tomi,

Just checking in to see if our scheduled time is still valid for Wednesday at 11 AM. Please confirm or let me know if any changes need to be made.

Best regards, Jerry


This is perfect for formal business settings, especially when you’re confirming something with higher management or important clients.

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