20 Alternatives to “To Do So”

In the world of communication, particularly in professional settings, clarity and variety in language can make a significant difference. The phrase “to do so” is commonly used to refer to carrying out an action previously mentioned. However, relying on a single phrase can lead to repetitive and monotonous writing. To enhance your communication skills, it’s essential to explore alternative expressions that convey the same meaning while adding depth and nuance to your language.

This article will present 20 alternatives to “to do so” that you can incorporate into your emails, reports, and discussions. Each alternative will be accompanied by context and scenario examples, allowing you to see how these phrases can be effectively utilized in real-life situations. By diversifying your vocabulary, you can articulate your thoughts more clearly and professionally, making a lasting impression in your communications.

List of 20 Alternatives to “To Do So”

  • 1. To Execute This
  • 2. To Implement This
  • 3. To Carry This Out
  • 4. To Perform This
  • 5. To Achieve This
  • 6. To Complete This
  • 7. To Fulfill This
  • 8. To Conduct This
  • 9. To Accomplish This
  • 10. To Realize This
  • 11. To Enforce This
  • 12. To Undertake This
  • 13. To Act on This
  • 14. To Proceed with This
  • 15. To Address This
  • 16. To Engage in This
  • 17. To Effectuate This
  • 18. To Pursue This
  • 19. To Bring This to Completion
  • 20. To Put This into Action

1. To Accomplish This

In business communications, clarity is crucial. Instead of using “to do so,” you can say “to accomplish this.” This phrase emphasizes the goal and outcome of the action.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Project Update

Dear Tomi,

I wanted to provide you with an update on the marketing project we discussed last week. To accomplish this, I have compiled a list of potential strategies that we can implement. I believe that focusing on social media engagement and targeted email campaigns will yield positive results.

Let’s schedule a time to discuss this further and explore how we can move forward effectively.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

Using “to accomplish this” conveys a sense of purpose and determination. It’s particularly effective in settings where you want to inspire action or commitment.

2. To Undertake This

Another alternative is “to undertake this.” This phrase suggests a commitment to action and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Upcoming Tasks

Hi Tomi,

I hope this message finds you well. As we approach the deadline for our project, I wanted to confirm the tasks we need to undertake. I suggest we prioritize the market research phase first, as it will provide us with valuable insights for our next steps.

Please let me know your thoughts, and we can coordinate our efforts.

Cheers, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To undertake this” implies taking responsibility for a task, which can enhance your professional image and show leadership qualities.

3. To Execute This

Using “to execute this” highlights the action-oriented nature of your message, making it suitable for discussions about plans or strategies.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Action Plan

Dear Tomi,

I’m writing to outline the next steps for our project. We need to execute this action plan by the end of the month to meet our targets. This includes finalizing the budget and reaching out to potential partners for collaboration.

Looking forward to your input on this matter.

Best regards, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To execute this” is a strong choice in corporate environments, where a focus on results and accountability is vital.

4. To Perform This

“To perform this” is another suitable alternative, often used in contexts involving tasks or responsibilities.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Task Allocation

Hi Tomi,

As we prepare for the upcoming project launch, I wanted to discuss who will perform this vital role in our team. We must assign tasks based on each member’s strengths to ensure a successful outcome.

Let’s meet soon to finalize the assignments.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

When you say “to perform this,” it conveys a professional tone, making it fitting for job descriptions or performance evaluations.

5. To Implement This

Using “to implement this” can add a layer of formality and seriousness to your message, making it appropriate for discussions on changes or strategies.

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Email Scenario:

Subject: Strategy Implementation

Dear Tomi,

I wanted to touch base regarding our marketing strategy. To implement this effectively, we must ensure all team members are on the same page. I propose a meeting to review the plan and outline each member’s responsibilities.

Looking forward to collaborating on this.

Warm regards, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To implement this” indicates a structured approach, often preferred in project management discussions.

6. To Facilitate This

Instead of saying “to do so,” you might choose “to facilitate this,” which emphasizes the support and assistance needed to carry out a task.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Coordinating Efforts

Hi Tomi,

I hope you’re doing well. I’d like to discuss how we can facilitate this transition to our new software system. We must provide adequate training to ensure a smooth process for everyone involved.

Let’s set a time to meet and plan accordingly.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To facilitate this” conveys a collaborative spirit, ideal for teamwork and support-oriented conversations.

7. To Carry This Out

When discussing tasks or plans, “to carry this out” is a direct alternative that signifies taking action.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Follow-Up on Actions

Dear Tomi,

Following our last meeting, I wanted to confirm the steps we need to carry this out. We must adhere to our timeline to avoid delays in the project. I appreciate your commitment and look forward to our progress.

Best regards, Jerry

Additional Insight:

Using “to carry this out” emphasizes execution and accountability, which is essential in professional environments.

8. To Achieve This

When the focus is on the desired outcome, consider using “to achieve this.” This phrase indicates a goal-oriented mindset.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Progress Check

Hi Tomi,

As we move forward with our project, I wanted to ensure we are aligned on our objectives. To achieve this, we need to monitor our progress closely and make adjustments where necessary.

Let’s catch up this week to assess where we stand.

Cheers, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To achieve this” is motivational and effective when discussing goals and milestones.

9. To Act on This

Instead of the passive “to do so,” you can opt for “to act on this,” which encourages immediate action.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Urgent Actions Required

Dear Tomi,

I’m reaching out to discuss some urgent matters that need our attention. We must act on this as soon as possible to mitigate any potential issues. I suggest we convene to address these points.

Looking forward to your quick response.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

Using “to act on this” conveys urgency, making it suitable for pressing situations or deadlines.

10. To Pursue This

“To pursue this” indicates a commitment to a specific course of action and is useful in various contexts.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Following Up on Opportunities

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to follow up on our discussion regarding the new client opportunity. To pursue this effectively, we should outline a strategy and assign roles within our team. I’m excited about the potential here!

Let’s set a meeting soon.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

Using “to pursue this” suggests a proactive attitude and determination, key qualities in any professional setting.

11. To Take This Step

When referring to action, you can use “to take this step.” This phrase emphasizes the importance of progressing in a task.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Next Steps

Dear Tomi,

I hope you’re well. In light of our recent discussions, I believe it’s crucial to take this step towards finalizing our project. This will enable us to move forward with confidence and clarity.

Let’s discuss this further.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To take this step” adds a sense of momentum to your message, which can motivate your team to act.

12. To Proceed With This

Using “to proceed with this” conveys a clear directive for moving forward with a plan or task.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Approval Needed

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to reach out regarding the proposal we submitted last week. To proceed with this, we’ll need your approval on the budget and timeline. Your insights would be invaluable in shaping our next steps.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

This phrase is straightforward and effective, particularly in contexts where formal approvals are necessary.

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13. To Continue With This

When discussing ongoing efforts, “to continue with this” emphasizes persistence and consistency.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Ongoing Projects

Dear Tomi,

As we continue with this project, I wanted to ensure we are on track with our timeline. We must keep up the momentum to achieve our goals. I appreciate your hard work and dedication!

Let’s catch up soon.

Best regards, Jerry

Additional Insight:

Using “to continue with this” fosters a sense of collaboration and commitment among team members.

14. To Support This

Instead of using “to do so,” consider “to support this.” This phrase highlights the importance of collaboration and assistance.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Resource Allocation

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to discuss how we can support this initiative effectively. We need to allocate the right resources and ensure everyone is equipped to contribute. Let’s brainstorm together to create a solid plan.

Looking forward to our discussion.

Cheers, Jerry

Additional Insight:

This phrase emphasizes teamwork and can help build a cooperative atmosphere in your communications.

15. To Comply With This

In situations involving rules or regulations, “to comply with this” is a suitable alternative.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Regulatory Requirements

Dear Tomi,

As we finalize our project, we must comply with this new regulatory framework. I’ve outlined the necessary steps we need to follow to ensure we meet all requirements.

Let’s schedule a meeting to discuss our approach.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

Using “to comply with this” adds a layer of professionalism and seriousness, especially in legal or compliance contexts.

16. To Enact This

When discussing policies or changes, “to enact this” can be a powerful alternative.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Policy Implementation

Hi Tomi,

I hope you’re well. I wanted to touch base about our new policy changes. To enact this effectively, we need to ensure all team members are informed and on board. I suggest we hold a training session.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To enact this” carries a formal tone, suitable for discussions surrounding new initiatives or regulations.

17. To Validate This

In contexts involving verification or approval, you might use “to validate this.” This phrase highlights the importance of confirmation.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Data Verification

Dear Tomi,

As we compile our reports, I’d like to validate this data to ensure accuracy. It’s essential that we present our findings with confidence. If you could review the figures and provide feedback, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

This phrase emphasizes thoroughness and diligence, vital attributes in data-driven discussions.

18. To Confirm This

Another alternative is “to confirm this.” This phrase is often used when seeking affirmation or validation of actions.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Meeting Confirmation

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to confirm this meeting for next week. We all must come prepared to discuss the agenda items. Please let me know if you’re available at the scheduled time.

Looking forward to our conversation.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

“To confirm this” is straightforward and effective, especially in scheduling or logistical communications.

19. To Clarify This

When discussing complex matters, using “to clarify this” can enhance understanding and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Follow-Up on Discussions

Dear Tomi,

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to clarify this point regarding our recent project. We all must have a clear understanding of our roles and responsibilities. I’m happy to provide further details if needed.

Best regards, Jerry

Additional Insight:

This phrase promotes transparency and fosters effective communication among team members.

20. To Acquiesce to This

In situations involving consent or agreement, “to acquiesce to this” can indicate a willingness to comply.

Email Scenario:

Subject: Request for Adjustments

Hi Tomi,

I wanted to discuss your recent request for adjustments to the project timeline. While I initially had some reservations, I’m willing to acquiesce to this change if it means we can ensure quality in our deliverables.

Let’s chat further to iron out the details.

Best, Jerry

Additional Insight:

Using “to acquiesce to this” conveys a thoughtful approach to decision-making, demonstrating flexibility and consideration.

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